Our guide to navigating Google & Yahoo’s sender rules

Emails being rejected or landing in spam/junk? Google and Yahoo’s mandatory bulk sender rules are likely the reason. About 56% of businesses don’t have DMARC, so their emails will be rejected. Want to keep your business emails reaching inboxes? This guide can help. 

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Gain a better overall understanding of Google and Yahoo’s bulk sender requirements and how to comply.  

To help demystify the Google and Yahoo sender rules & make business compliance easier, this guide expands on:

What the requirements are

Does all the online chatter about these rules have your head spinning? We’ve unpacked the requirements in an easily understandable format.

How they’ll affect your business

We go into the details of how each stage of the rule rollout has likely impacted your email deliverability.

Simple compliance & max. benefits

Here, we outline how to comply as easily as possible and reap all the benefits of the required technologies for compliance.

Don’t let non-compliance get in the way of your
email deliverability and business success.

Laptop On A Desk | Sendmarc Google And Yahoo Sender Rules

Proactive compliance with Sendmarc

Sendmarc is a leading DMARC provider that ensures every email sent from your domain is correctly authenticated, boosting email inbox delivery. We protect your brand from the reputational and financial damages of a successful impersonation, phishing, or spoofing attack.

With us, you’ll gain full visibility and control of your email traffic, continuous protection against cybercriminal targeting, and proactive monitoring of your email ecosystem. Our user-friendly platform is built to support you on your journey to protection and compliance, providing peace of mind that every email bearing your brand name is the real thing.