Lookalike Domain Defense: Visibility for business
impersonation protection

The distributed nature of the digital space and domain registration’s inherent flaws, make it easy for cybercriminals to register lookalike domains and carry out brand impersonation.


Lookalike Domain Defense steps in to give your business total visibility of fraudulent use of your domain, enabling you to take the necessary defensive action.

The problem Lookalike Domain Defense solves

Cybercriminals use lookalike domains – domains that look extremely similar to an organization’s original domain – to carry out convincing cyberattacks where they trick users into disclosing sensitive data with fake emails or websites.


Many businesses don’t have active visibility into their lookalike domain risk, lookalike domain registrations, and brand name use.

The successful registration and use of a domain lookalike can lead to the following business damages:

fingerprint on cellphone background featuring an orange icon on the right hand side , with a white fingerprint within the icon
fingerprint on cellphone background featuring an orange icon at the bottom center, with a white fingerprint within the icon


Attackers can use lookalike domains to host websites or send impersonating phishing, spoofing, or socially engineered emails to trick employees, suppliers, and customers.

Technology-themed background featuring an orange icon on the left hand side, with a person within the icon on a computer
Technology-themed background featuring an orange icon at the bottom center, with a person within the icon on a computer

Data theft

Users are deceived into revealing sensitive information to attackers, such as personally identifiable information (PII), credit card and other financial information, or login credentials.

shattered laptop screen background featuring an orange icon on the right hand side, with a three buildings in white connected to each other with a caution icon as well
shattered laptop screen background featuring an orange icon at the bottom center, with a three buildings in white connected to each other with a caution icon as well

Reputation damage

Fraudulent use of your brand name reduces stakeholder trust in your organization and damages the good reputation you’ve worked so hard to build.

background of stacked coins featuring an orange icon on the left hand side, with a stack of money with an arrow pointing to the bottom left.
background of stacked coins featuring an orange icon at the bottom center, with a stack of money with an arrow pointing to the bottom left.

Financial loss

Lookalike domain attacks can result in direct financial loss, like the sale of fake products or services, and indirect financial losses like lost sales or reduced productivity, to name a few.

Technology-themed background featuring an orange icon at the right hand side of the image, with a white computer icon inside it and an error icon displayed within the computer
Technology-themed background featuring an orange icon at the bottom center, with a white computer icon inside it and an error icon displayed within the computer

System compromise

Lookalike websites are used to distribute malware or ransomware that could grant attackers access to internal systems.

How lookalike domains are created

Cybercriminals use various techniques to create lookalike domains.


Sendmarc.com lookalike domain examples:

examples of lookalike domain URLs -3
examples of lookalike domain URLs -2

Lookalike Domain Defense Capabilities

Visibility of existing
lookalike domains

A watchlist of existing
lookalike domains

Notifications of new
domain permutations

Identification of web

Email capability of
lookalike domains

example of a lookalike domain defense dashboard on a laptop screen
example of a lookalike domain defense dashboard

Ready to stop sneaky imitators that are using your domain for malicious gain?

Strengthen your cybersecurity with additional
Sendmarc solutions


DMARC is a global best practice in email authentication that validates the legitimacy of an email and makes sure that only real emails reach an inbox. It gives your business full visibility and control of outbound emails, to ensure that no one can impersonate your brand. Other benefits include strengthened security, boosted deliverability, and increased regulatory compliance.

Start for free


Make your business’s emails stand out in inboxes with Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI). It works with DMARC to enable the display of your logo beside emails in inboxes providing benefits like increased recipient trust, improved email deliverability, reduced phishing and spoofing attacks, and maximized brand recognition and awareness.

Learn more

Breach Detection

Monitor various sources, including the dark web, using Breach Detection to discover if your business’s systems or user credentials have been
compromised, and set up alerts for new breaches. The sooner your business knows about breached data, the faster it can mitigate the risk and prevent business damage.

Learn more